Across the NHS, there are plans to create additional theatre capacity within hospital trusts, with four of these sites being within West Yorkshire. Our WYAAT trusts are therefore going to require a larger theatre workforce than ever before, to respond to the needs of our population.NHS A Career in Surgery photo.png

Surgery itself offers a wide range of career possibilities, yet it is often overlooked by students wanting to work within the NHS. The WYAAT Elective Recovery programme is working closely with local schools and colleges to provide an overview of a career in surgery and the vast opportunities available from the start to the peak of the career path.

The project, named ‘NHS: A Career in Surgery’, aims to attract the future healthcare workforce by getting young people interested in different roles and professions within surgery. It helps young people to make informed choices and consider the full range of roles and professions, whilst dispelling common myths and ensuring young people have a realistic view of the world of work and the different routes they can take.

The project, which ran for the first time in November 2023, invites students who are interested in a career in surgery, or who want to find out more about NHS careers, to attend virtual webinars and have the opportunity to complete the online learning. The project also includes school visits, where NHS operating theatre colleagues attend schools or colleges to talk through their career journeys, teach students about the unique responsibilities and career progression associated with each role. During the school visits, our theatre teams facilitate several interactive sessions where students can participate in hands on activities such as learning how to use some of the surgical equipment.

Upon completion of the project, individuals are presented with a certificate which they can then reference on applications, CVs, or further learning.

2023 Cohort
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