WYAAT hosts the procurement collaboration on behalf of all providers of NHS services in West Yorkshire. The collaboration brings together procurement specialists to identify areas where we can use the size of our region to reduce pricing and to look to standardise products. There is a focus on standardising procurement infrastructure (catalogues and contract databases), with a collaborative approach to contract sourcing to share resources and avoid duplication.
Supply chain resilience is a priority, with the changing global market and the need to hold UK-based safety stock to manage supply chain interruptions.
The collaboration has managed several clinical and non-clinical projects. The Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) project, lead by the ICS, has a predicted £1.4 million savings across the West Yorkshire region. During the financial year 2022/2023, the ICS gained a £600,000 incremental value cash savings from across the support groups.
In addition to the MIS project, the collaboration has been focusing on sustainability, social value, and innovation opportunities within the procurement collaboration setting and. The ICS is engaged in additional procurement projects and savings for this financial year whilst working towards NHS England’s net zero target. We have a procurement sustainability group which aims to track and reduce the regional supply chain carbon footprint and reduce plastic waste.
The collaboration is currently focusing on standardising product opportunities across the West Yorkshire collaborative support groups including Ansell gloves, needle free injectors, and gravity sets.