Published on: 12 June 2024
Neurology patients across Calderdale and Huddersfield are benefitting from a more streamlined service – thanks to WYAAT's partnership working arrangement.
Senior clinicians from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) are supporting Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust's (CHFT) neurology service to increase capacity and reduce waiting lists for patients waiting to receive neurology care. The neurology service treats conditions including epilepsy, MS, Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders and migraine.
In September 2023, Dr Marc Randall (left), Consultant Neurologist from LTHT, began offering support to CHFT one day a week.
Since then, his colleagues, Dr Steve Butterworth (middle), and Dr Linford Fernandes (right), also consultant neurologists at LTHT, have started offering support one day a week, as part of a partnership agreement across WYAAT.
Each clinician specialises in different areas, so is able to support CHFT by categorising follow-up appointments into different specialties, depending on the diagnosis or potential diagnosis of each patient.
This has allowed the Trust to work through follow-up appointments and inpatient reviews at a faster pace - as the most appropriate clinician is assigned to patients sooner.
Samantha Croll, Neurology Operations Manager, Medical Division, said: “Having Dr Randall, Dr Fernandes and Dr Butterworth on board at CHFT is extremely beneficial to our patients. It has allowed us to increase capacity in our clinics, and due to their individual specialised areas, we can direct patients into the most appropriate clinics for their symptoms.”
Asifa Ali, WYAAT Neurology Programme Manager, said: “This is a prime example of how collaboration across WYAAT can significantly impact patient care and boost staff morale. Our colleagues across the trusts are showing that by working together, we can make bold strides towards positive change for everyone.”
Visit the Neurology programme page for more information.